• Question: Do you believe that your research will effect other people's lives in the future?

    Asked by to Claire, Ian, Sergey, Vicky, Zena on 19 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Sergey Lamzin

      Sergey Lamzin answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      Of cause I am going to be the evil genius who conquers the world!

      On a more serious note, I am on the verge of curing the Flu once and for all.

    • Photo: Claire Shooter

      Claire Shooter answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      I’m hoping that by the end of this year my work will result in faster and more accurate diagnosis of blood disorders. This will have a positive impact on the treatment of people who have them, and may prove valuable to other scientists who are researching ways to cure them.

    • Photo: Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson answered on 25 Jun 2014:

      Yes. Increasingly, we, and many other research groups are getting into “translational research” which means trying to move our research findings into the clinical domain. Currently we are working directly with some pharmaceutical companies and getting funds for developing products and concepts from our research for the NHS. In those two areas we hope that in the short to mid term there will be some real benefits to people.

      In the longer term we hope that what we learn about brain disease will play a role in global research efforts in the area. We also develop some more general Bioinformatics methodologies and resources that we make freely available that have been taken up by others and contribute to their research.
